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  • Writer's pictureRose Wentz

How to Know If Guinea Pigs are Right For You

Updated: Jul 6, 2020

Guinea pigs are definitely adorable, furry, and sweet, but they are very high-maintenance and are not a good fit for many people. This article will help you determine if guinea pigs are right for you.

First off, guinea pigs need to be fed and cleaned daily. They need daily spot-cleans and weekly full cleans. This is something to keep in mind if you travel frequently or have a busy schedule. Next, they are very expensive with food, bedding, toy, and veterinary costs, so they are probably not a good fit for you if you have a tight budget. Also, they need a lot of space, so you will need to have an area where they will be kept. Lastly, they are loud, with constant squeaking and rumbling, so they might not be a good option if you like your peace and quiet. I hope this article helped you to know if guinea pigs are good pets for you and thank you for reading!

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